

Digitizme lies at the crossroads between pragmatism and avant-gardism. Always in motion, always at the forefront of consumer trends… … Digitizme believes there is always a solution. An audacious team that likes challenges. That tackles the future head on. Whose solutions work like clockwork. Digitizme is the art of breaking down technological barriers… with a smile.


Eliminating friction in the customer experience is our number one obsession. In our eyes, the perfect world is seamless and full of endless possibilities. Nothing can dampen our optimism, because each problem is a new opportunity to find solutions. And that’s something we excel at.

Eric Chaix


51 years old, the business leader is passionate about innovation and gastronomy, boasting a vast entrepreneurial experience in the food tech industry. He is one of France’s pioneers in digitalising points of sale.

Rémy Combe


With an extensive career in IoT (Internet of Things), the 41-year-old IT engineer uses his technical skills and innovative mindset to address your individual needs.


While digitalisation is still in its infancy, its impact on our perception of time and space has been revolutionary. Tangible applications of this vast field are becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives. And a key element of this is local distribution, a significant departure from the realm of e-commerce and global supply chains that traverse continents. Today, Digitizme offers digital solutions that mark the dawn of a new era in physical distribution, presenting fresh avenues to reshape your business in line with evolving consumer trends.

In essence, Digitizme specialises in creating intelligent, self-service sales spaces. These tailored solutions establish new touchpoints with consumers while also harnessing insightful and actionable data. Whether in traditional or workplace food service, hospitality, supermarkets, catering, self-checkout stores or food technology, Digitizme expands both your business opportunities and potential customer base by digitalising your POS with cutting-edge smart technology. Moreover, if you already have non-digital systems in place, we possess the capability to upgrade them with smart technology without the need to replace them. Pretty impressive, right? While our business revolves around state-of-the-art technology, it’s technology with tangible benefits. That works seamlessly, eliminating obstacles and enhancing the overall customer experience. That’s so reliable you forget it’s there. Our technology isn’t just useful; it’s also geared towards driving sales while enriching the customer journey.

Digitizme's promises

Digitizme en chiffres


A pioneer in France with the Digibox, a unique and innovative solution for managing your POS

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Points of sale in operation across France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland

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machines with the Digibox in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland


years’ experience in a market… that is brand new