Solutions / Products

Digitizme is a specialist in digitalising points of sale and the customer experience, which means we are also experts in simplifying your projects.

And our ultimate goal is to help your business thrive – it’s as simple as that.

That’s why we provide 3 different approaches, giving you a choice between “Plug & Play”, customisable or 100% bespoke. Congratulations, you have made your first steps into the “ready-to-go”, contactless era.

Plug and Play

Ready-to-go, standard products.

Connected fridge, refrigerated dispenser, automatic locker, drive… Digitizme offers you a wide range of machines that make your point of sale more attractive, modular and efficient. Objectives: sell and promote the customer experience.

espace de vente entreprise, point de vente connecté professionnel

On Demand

Solutions customised to suit your needs.

When your project requires real reflection with the deployment of various skills, real advice and specific solutions, Digitizme switches to On Demand mode: to project mode, to be completely clear.

No Limits

Total innovation

When Digitizme tells you that there is no limit to what its team can manage, imagine and achieve, it means there really is no limit. And if your need is so specific that it requires us to enter the R&D phase, that’s okay.
It is clear that in the No Limits approach, the project mode is placed at the service of total innovation. Together, we are inventing the future and new uses of your sector. Whether it involves creating a 100% tailor-made connected solution from scratch, carrying out distribution engineering, support or imagining a unique development solution, you can count on us.